Sunday, April 21, 2013

Spotlight: The Enchanter Heir by Cinda Williams Chima

First of all, I want to let you all know that I have a functional illness (nothing too serious, don't worry) that's been kicking my butt this year. I'm sick all the time and this may cut into my blogging time sometimes. I hope you all understand, it's really hard for me, but I'm trying to come to terms with it and I'm definitely trying my best to keep the posts coming for you guys! Thanks for your patience and understanding.

Now on to today's post:
Yesterday, the cover for one of my most anticipated YA books for this year has been revealed! I'm obviously talking about "The Enchanter Heir", the 4th book in Cinda Williams Chima's Heir Chronicles, of which I devoured the first 3 books last year. I'm a big, big fan of Cinda and I can't wait to get my hands on this book!
If you haven't started The Heir Chronicles yet (or The Seven Realms, Cinda's High Fantasy series), you should! 

Release Date: October 22nd, 2013
Publisher: Hyperion
Age Group: Young-Adult

They called it the Thorn Hill Massacre—the brutal attack on a once-thriving Weir community. Though Jonah Kinlock lived through it, he did not emerge unscathed: like the other survivors, Jonah possesses unique magical gifts that set him apart from members of the mainline guilds. At seventeen, Jonah has become the deadliest assassin in Nightshade, a global network that hunts the undead. He is being groomed to succeed Gabriel Mandrake, the sorcerer, philanthropist, and ruthless music promoter who established the Thorn Hill Foundation, the public face of Nightshade. More and more, Jonah’s at odds with Gabriel’s tactics and choice of targets. Desperate to help his dying brother Kenzie, Jonah opens doors that Gabriel prefers to keep closed.

Emma Claire Greenwood grew up worlds away, raised by a grandfather who taught her music rather than magic. An unschooled wild child, she runs the streets until the night she finds her grandfather dying, gripping a note warning Emma that she might be in danger. The clue he leaves behind leads Emma into Jonah’s life—and a shared legacy of secrets and lingering questions.

Was Thorn Hill really a peaceful commune? Or was it, as the Wizard Guild claims, a hotbed of underguild terrorists? The Wizards’ suspicions grow when members of the mainline guilds start turning up dead. They blame Madison Moss and the Interguild Council, threatening the fragile peace brokered at Trinity.

Racing against time, Jonah and Emma work to uncover the truth about Thorn Hill, amid growing suspicion that whoever planned the Thorn Hill Massacre might strike again.


  1. I am worried about you sweetie; are you fine?

    Speaking of this cover; I am stunned by the beauty of it *sigh* all my money this year is going for Fantasy novels for sure ;) .

    Get well so soon :) ...

    1. Thanks for your concern, honey! One day I'm fine, but the next I can be sick as hell. It's really strange and I hope they can find some kind of solution, but we'll see. For now, I'm just enjoying the days that I'm feeling better.

      I love the cover too! It will be absolutely stunning to see all the books together with all the different colors.

  2. First I want to say I'm sorry you have to deal with such a illness. Take care of yourself. I hope you can beat whatever this disease is. You're a strong and very sweet girl. XXX

    Second, I can't freaking wait for this new installment! You know I'm a huge fan of Cinda, and this is where I started, with the Heir Chronicles. I was so excited when she announced there would be more.

    Great spotlight, hon! <3

    1. Thank you so much, sweetie! I'm definitely hoping they'll find some kind of solution, but for now I'm trying to enjoy the good days. I'll get through it, it's just been hard these past couple of weeks. But reading helps! There I nights I can't sleep, but reading gets me through ^^

      And about the Heir Chronicles, I know what you mean!! I can't wait either, they are such great books and I'm absolutely thrilled she decided to write 2 more. I'll be looking forward to your review about it!

      Thanks again for the concern, honey, you're the sweetest! <3

  3. OMG! I hope it all be fine :) .

    About the Heir Chronicles; I have to get the whole series now, they will look amazing together :) .
